Brain in fog. Feet in Concrete. Keep Going. Just Keep Going.

So if you hadn’t heard, Mum passed away a week ago. She was 70, very unwell and struggled everyday just to live.

I had forgotten just how exhausting this grieving process can be. A hundred things need to be done and you have the brain capacity of a bee. You start to do something, someone asks you a question and you forget what you are doing, so you start something else. Having a conversation? Yep-for about five minutes and then that is it. If you attempt a conversation back to someone who had engaged  with you, beware- you will get facts wrong and you will try to redeem yourself and you will fail. That image of crazy grieving lady you are trying to avoid- you end up doing. I ended up looking like a fish out of water, flapping about, making more mess & not getting any where!

The process of having a funeral is not unlike preparing a wedding or baby shower. But its sad, has no happy ending and you have less time to prepare it in. And it will still cost the same as eloping to a Pacific Island to get married.

But its the unrelenting feeling of not being able to move forward. You would do anything to have that person back, even just for five minutes so you could say good bye the way you feel you should. You would want to tie up all of your loose ends, make amends, say your goodbyes. But you can’t. Death is sudden, even if you are expecting it for a long time. Death is final. Nothing prepares you for it. You can plan for what you want to happen post death, funerals etc-  but you cannot predict the all encompassing grief. It overwhelms you.

You forget to eat and drink. You sleep only from pure exhaustion, for just a few hours and then you are wide awake thinking, planning, organising in your head what needs to be done & worrying about how loved ones will cope..  You try to remember everyone, make sure no-one is missed out. You finally get up and get on with your day. But you are knackered. You want to get outside the walls of your house and be normal. But once you are outside, even just for a quick trip to the shops, all you want to do is get back inside where its safe.

Then the family and friends start arriving. You find that you end up comforting everyone else and validating their loss. You re-assure them that you are ok and coping (just).  The good ones, they make you food, take care of the kids, fold the washing and talk to you about normal everyday things like pre-school notices, ballet and school disco’s, future holidays and just reminding you that its still normal on the outside.

The bad ones just sit and watch. They wait for you to fall over. They watch your every move just to see how you are coping. They look at you with pity in their eyes, ready to comment about how something should be done. And they rarely make the cups of tea they are gasping for or do the dishes for the cups of tea and hospitality they have just received. This happened on the day of my Dads funeral. I was livid. Funnily enough- those people didn’t attend Mums funeral.

The best advice I can give is to be useful. The grieving ones have the brain the size of a bee. Simple things like cooking, cleaning, doing the lawns & doing washing are non sequential, but still need to be done.

This grieving process will take as longer time or as shorter time as it needs. I cant remember when I felt the process end with my Dad. But I know it will get better.


I have some family cousins,

They number quite a few,

Mostly are called Fredericks,

Plus the odd name or two,


No one knows the full number,

As many are still adding to the crew,

We cross many generations,

Not just one or two!


Our Aunties and our Uncles,

They are a mighty crew,

All 6 are pretty stubborn,

And all in a bit of heart trouble too!


Our matriarch was Dorothy,

Who liked to put on a brew,

She liked to tell us stories,

And boy- she knew a few!


There was this one time I caught Dossy,

Streaking to the loo,

She thought she was being clever,

Running straight through nude!


I miss Nana Doss dearly,

I know some of the others do too,

We had some lovely conversations,

When life seemed like a zoo.


And she kept a stash of lollies,

In the cabinet in her living room,

I used to eat these sweet treats,

But I swear, she never knew!!


But now I have confessed my little secret,

That took place in Lincoln Street,

How many of my cousins,

Have also sneaked a treat?


Grief and Parents.

40 Grains Of Sand

April 1st… No April Fools here…

As I type this, Mum is at home alone, terrified and fighting for every single little breath she takes. Its horrifying, scary and so incredibly sad so see a parent who has had a really rough couple of tough years, succumbing to a cruel terminal illness and the death of her husband. Mum has chronic heart failure from a heart attack that she suffered in June 2011. A heart by pass was done in a week and while she was meant to have a triple bypass, they could only complete 2 valves as the third one was so badly damaged they couldn’t do anything. So upon discharge was told to live life to its fullest as the next heart attack she would not survive.

But at this point in time, a heart attack would be a blessing. Her lungs are drowning in fluid that…

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Grief and Parents.

April 1st… No April Fools here…

As I type this, Mum is at home alone, terrified and fighting for every single little breath she takes. Its horrifying, scary and so incredibly sad so see a parent who has had a really rough couple of tough years, succumbing to a cruel terminal illness and the death of her husband. Mum has chronic heart failure from a heart attack that she suffered in June 2011. A heart by pass was done in a week and while she was meant to have a triple bypass, they could only complete 2 valves as the third one was so badly damaged they couldn’t do anything. So upon discharge was told to live life to its fullest as the next heart attack she would not survive.

But at this point in time, a heart attack would be a blessing. Her lungs are drowning in fluid that her body just cannot cope with. Mum has reached maximum levels in her diuretics. Mum cannot walk any further than 5 meters without stopping to try and get her breath. She coughs and is constantly trying to clear her throat. She is bringing up a clear mucus and is slowly losing control of her bodily functions. Which for a woman of Mum’s age, she finds mortifying. This morning it took nearly an hour to move from her chair to the door to head out for a blood test. And she forgot at one stage where we were going. Not getting enough oxygen is cruel. Its plays with your mind, makes you incredibly grumpy and agitated.

But amazingly, Mum is either coping with the news well or is in complete denial. I guess she has had 2 years and 10 months to get used to the idea but I am also guessing that you start thinking that maybe, just maybe, you will be ok.

Until about a month ago when I noticed her legs were swelling more. I had taken to measuring her feet and ankles so I had a gauge of what was happening. And since last week has rapidly gone down hill. So where to from here… how do you behave, react and be there and treat your dying parent to dignity and respect? Do you allow the grieving to begin or do you put it on hold? How much do you let your kids see?

I am going to start staying at Mums from tomorrow night, I cant stay full time as  I have 2 beautiful young girls, my hard working, loving husband and 2 part time jobs to hold down. But as Mum has some help 3 mornings a week for showering, I will stay over on the nights when she has no one in the morning. It will give her some comfort and me some peace of mind.

But while I am there, do I ask her want she wants to happen at her funeral? And it strikes me that as long as I have known my Mum, I don’t really know her. What is her favourite music? What was her happiest time? Any regrets? If she could have been what ever she wanted in life, what would that have been? What was the wildest thing she had ever done? What has she learned that I can pass on to my kids?

OMG Update!!!!!

18/04  Since writing the above, so many things have happened… I never got to stay at Mum’s! She was sent off to the hospital by the very caring and articulate oxygen nurse who just happened to have Mum on her rotation the day after I wrote the top half of this. Thank god for people who know what they are doing and don’t second guess their experience.

So it turned out that Mums symptoms were getting increasingly worst due to the fact her heart was not firing properly. She had a complete heart block and all she needed was a pacemaker…. The sighs of relief from Mum and myself in ED at Tauranga Hospital probably could have been heard throughout the hospital. It turns out that Mum had been existing on about 34-40 beats per/minute when the normal resting heart rate is between 60-100 bpm. So her kidneys weren’t working well, the reason for her swollen feet, lungs filled with fluid and breathing difficulties. Within 24 hours Mums feet had shrunk to almost normal size and the tops of her feet went wrinkly.

02/05/14 Wow- what a change around. Mum is doing really well and is recovering nicely. She has come off 2 medications completely, reduced a tablet to once a fort night and another down to a quarter a day. Mum is still on a whole host of other medications, but the fact she has been able to come off a few has to be good for her don’t you think?

31/05/14 Mum has had her 6 week check for her pace maker and she has passed with flying colours! While she still needs her daily naps and home help, Mum is now able to do more and start getting out more. We have fixed her scooter and she is now able to get out more and not rely on family and friends for help. Her heart failure will still be there and will gradually get worse, but for now we have more time….

So I go back to the first entry on this post-last paragraph. We need to have the hard discussions while Mum is still well enough. I would be interested in hearing from people who have known that their parents were on borrowed time and what sort of things they did, wish they did or what they would have done differently. I need to make the most of the time we have left while we know we have time left. We have the privilege of knowing right now, that we have time where in cases of sudden death of a loved one, you don’t get that precious time.

What would you do……?




#1 goal in progress!! Starting off small…

DSC01922 DSC01926#1 in progress!!

The very first skirt I have ever made, pattern from It was easy and I knocked it up in an evening. I highly recommend Danas website for easy tutorials.

I loved this pattern so much I made 2 as my eldest daughter loved her little sisters so much! This was such an easy skirt to make. I borrowed my Mums’ 30+ year old sewing machine and with a bit of  dusting and adjusting, managed to knock out these 2 in less than a week! I love the material that I got from Spotlight, its bright and very girly!

I am hoping to fine tune my newly found skills, as well as get the sewing machine a service and work my way up to a dress each for the girls. Might try trousers next as winter is coming up and the girls could do with a few extras.

I am a Serial Weight Gainer and Loser….

So, time to talk about my weighty issue.

I have been a yo-yo dieter for years. I have joined Weight Watchers so many times since I was 19, I should be a life member based on number if sign ups! I have done Sure Slim (and paid for it!) and have done a 12 week challenge that saw me looking fabulous- for about 4 months….. (check out my photos google- Stephanie Ireland Body Blue Print). The most successful I have ever been in losing weight on my own, in 2012-2013, was when I did Fat Chance, a calorie counting work book.  I lost 10kg on my own with exercise through a group called Define Fitness (  I lost 9% of body fat in 3 months! I was wearing size 14 trousers!

The thing is that every thing I done above, was when I thought I was seriously over weight. When I completed the 12 week challenge, I was about 69kg! But felt I still wasn’t quite lean enough. I looked great, but didn’t have the confidence to think or OWN the fact I deserved to look good and feel fab. Crazy huh!?

Now, 10 years later, I know I don’t look or feel good. On the BMI scale I am classed as clinically obese, I am on cholesterol medicine and in October 2013, went through a series of blood tests, a mammogram and ultra sound due to some major breast pain. Guess what- turns out it may have been hormones playing up due to WEIGHT GAIN!

And I feel frumpy and unkempt and untidy. Its hard to make yourself look good when you are over weight. I cant wear dresses. Fashionable boots, nup!! Calves are too big. Hugging tight tops- yeah right! Not unless I can hide it with a cardigan. Don’t think the public want to see my belly! Nothing fits right or feels right. I spend most of my time trying to figure out how to hide my “weak areas” and highlight my strengths. I think I have nice ankles. That is my strength.

To be fair, I have had a hamstring injury that hasn’t healed from more than a year ago.

The stupid thing is I injured my hammie, while doing lunges in my garage- in Jan 2013. I was trying to keep up my exercise regime that I had started with Diana and her crew, and didn’t want to let go. Because I knew if I did, I would slide back into my same old ways. But instead of resting, I kept going and may have done more damage as a result. It also turns out that 2 c-sections have not been particularly helpful and may also be contributing to my slow healing ham string as my pelvis was out and not locking like it should, and causing my body to compensate for it. Who knew pelvic & stomach muscles were so important!? Not the major muscles that are targeted with crunches and sit ups, but the tiny stabilising muscles that are within the pelvis. I have been under my second round of Physio since February last year. The latest round started in November 2013 and I have only just moved out to going every fortnight. Even now, I am only allowed to do the exercises that the physio tells me and my walk to school to drop off my eldest.

So that is my back ground history with my recent exercise…. hopefully it doesn’t sound like a long winded excuse!? Notice I left out the eating side of things?

There are statistic’s out there that say 20% exercise and 80% of what you eat is the key to weight loss. I guess, it does make sense, because I know when I do what my calories in take and exercise output, I do lose weight. But its sticking to it long term that I have trouble with. I wish I was the person who loses the weight and keeps it off forever, but for some reason I don’t possess the skills/stamina to stick with any weight loss. I look at lettuce with dread and fruit with disdain. I self sabotage weekly, daily &  hourly and can justify (to myself) why I “deserve” this lolly, ice cream, chipies, home baking, an extra helping, or eating the kids scraps. I eat when I am happy, stressed, angry and any other emotion I can think of.

When I am in the zone of losing weight, I am obsessed (and I mean obsessed!). And I spend hours researching recipes, looking at and tracking my calories and exercise. I am afraid that if I am not thinking about what I am eating/exercising and planning, then I will fail. Absolute tunnel vision. And then, one day I forget to eat what I had planned, (mainly happens after a bad night with the kids). And then I think “ahh, what the heck, might as well have an off day”. Then that turns into a week, a month… and you can guess the rest.  Six months to a  year later, I am back where I started. I feel over whelmed and feel like its a long road back to where I want to be.

So I am still looking for that something that will work. I have investigated Paleo, going sugar free or reverting back to my calorie counting and calorie burning which in the past, has worked for me. I want to be the person that other people look at and wonder- how does she keep herself looking that good? What is my normal, where I function the best? But most of all, I want to feel well, healthy and around to see my kids get married and have kids- so I can give them unwanted advice about my grand children!

So watch this space. I am going to get there. I have a 40th in Fiji next year (not mine!) that I would like to wear a nice bathing suit and a stunning dress. I will post my triumphs and what I am doing along the way. Please feel free to post what you are doing and how it works for you— sharing is caring after all!

Decision, decisions and #33

So recently I found myself in a situation where I had interviewed for 2 part time jobs and within the space of 24 hours, had 2 job offers on the table! So I went from being disgruntled Mum and wife suffering from low self esteem and getting slightly obsessive about trying to find work to, well, feeling pretty darn happy!!
So I chose both jobs… Why? Well it was an excellent suggestion from my hubster for a start and they both fit around raising our 2 girls and not having to pay out for daycare. I also have a very capable hubby who is happy to look after the evening bedtime routine and create memories and break routines while I am not around! A Dads prerogative is it not?!

So the job I am starting first is at Pak N Save Papamoa as a checkout operator. This is taking me back to my 2nd job when I was 15, when I was hired on checkouts in Woolwroths Bayfair. The pay is slightly better now thank goodness, ($3.63 an hour wouldn’t quite cut it in this day and time!). But the excitement is the same- because I get to meet new people & have adult conversation!!
The second job is with Papamoa Beach Retirement Village, as a Duty Manager. This one is every 2nd weekend and is for 10 hours. Great potential and once again adult conversation!

So I took both as even though they both have the potential for great future development, 1 is for only 10 hours a fortnight and the second I can work more hours every week to have a steady income straight away.

Role on Wednesday when I have my first training night at Pak N Save! Friday is the day I start at Papamoa Village.

#33….The Tongariro Alpine Crossing. I knew I would find an extra one to add on as I went along.
I have a friend Anita who is about to complete this for a second time in about a year. And I have to be honest, I am intrigued and impressed that Anita is about to do it a 2nd time! Can’t be all that bad no?! So after being on holiday this last week in Taupo, I saw many advertisements for the crossing and the seed was planted. Could I actually do it?


We’ll Never Be Rested: What if Parents Rewrote the Lyrics to Lorde’s ‘Royals’?

Have just listened to this and is so where many of have been recently! I wish I had this talent!

Josh Stearns

Lorde’s song “Royals” was everywhere in 2013. But my wife and I wondered, what if instead of a 17 year-old superstar, it was overtired parents of young kids who had written this song. The lyrics below are the result. My friend, singer/songwriter Lisa Hillary  recorded our lyrics and it is amazing. Listen to the track and go check out Lisa’s music.

UPDATE: Thanks to fans of the song we now have a video! Check it out.

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So the list of 40… well nearly…

Thought I would put up my list of 40 goals to achieve before I hit 40- before I lose the paper it is written on. I have lists, lots of list and it drives hubby insane. For example, we are heading away next week for a camping trip. I have 4 lists already-1 for things to do, 1 for groceries, 1 is our weekly menu and the last, 1 to remember the clothes, toiletries, batteries, camera etc…..

You would have thought I would have learnt that lesson when I lost the list I made more than 8 years ago, on what I wanted in a perfect man, (after a particularly nasty break up- but that is a whole other blog! Mmmm…). The list has been verified as it having existed, I showed it to my then future mother in law and she whole heartedly ticked it off! Unfortunately it disappeared before our wedding when we wanted to share it with our family and friends. Gutted! 

So anyway, on with the list…. My 40 grains of sand..

  1. Learn how to sew (not what you expected huh!?)
  2. Lose 25 kgs
  3. Take up some study and look for a new career
  4. Volunteer for a charity
  5. Go to Fiji for a family holiday 2015 (someone else is turning 40!)
  6. Host a 3 course dinner party- that is not a bbq!
  7. Re-cover dining room chairs
  8. Compete in at least 2, 5km or 10km walks
  9. Walk up the Mount 40 times (Mount Maunganui)
  10. Kayak around the Mount
  11. Ride a horse, do a horse trek
  12. Have a make over done- lose the Mummy do and find some threads to match
  13. Learn how to write a blog and post it!
  14. Learn how to roast coffee beans- I LOVE coffee and want to know the process!
  15. Find my passion and make enough money from it to keep it going
  16. Do a cooking class
  17. Make dresses for the girls (see #1)
  18. Do a 365 day/52 week project
  19. Have acrylic nails done (never had them done before)
  20. A week without the internet
  21. Do a course & up grade my computer skills
  22. Redecorate the lounge, dining, kitchen
  23. Para glide off the Mount (hubby’s suggestion, not mine)
  24. Have a weekend away with my hubby (no kids!)
  25. Have a girls weekend away in Wellington (no hubby, no kids!)
  26. Do 12 weeks of yoga
  27. Reconnect with old friends from Arataki days and beyond
  28. Get a job!!
  29. Go vegetarian for a week
  30. Covet a red pair of leather boots for winter…. (drool!)
  31. Do a model shoot/glamour shot… and be positive about the end product (scares me more than #23!)
  32. Learn how to apply make up….
  33. The Tongariro Alpine Crossing

And that is it for now… I haven’t completed the list as I think that some more stuff will come from the things listed above. Maybe even bigger things! One thing that is constant about life is change.  

Some things may surprise you and some people maybe thinking “sewing.. really?! Didn’t we do that at school?”  Yep we did, but I hated it! I am trying to change my perception of something I dislike into something that I dislike a bit less. I guess that is what goals are all about, changing something you don’t like into something you will like?! Hopefully!

I put the word LIFE into at thesaurus and I thought the results pretty much summed up life well.  ACTIVITY, GROWTH, HEART, SOUL

Welcome to My Blog!

I am so excited, I have never been a blogger before and I am kinda nervous about putting some of my life out there for people to see. But essentially its a way to keep me honest about my goals in the next 18 months, before I turn 40…. And perhaps find my dream job to help support our growing family and a bit of confidence.

I was intending to start this a few weeks ago, but life and my inability to make simple decisions halted me. Some how I do better on the bigger life stuff, like getting my Mum to hospital. The little stuff I over think into oblivion when in reality its not that bigger deal. Take the setting for this blog for example- 2 weeks of thinking went into that! Phew!  I can claim Mummy brain though can’t I?

So, some of my goals are coming to fruition already so thought I would get this process started! I do have a list started and still have 6 spaces left. I haven’t filled these in yet as I think as I get through my 1-32, I think I may find more goals to add in as I go. But the main challenge is to finish my list before 22nd July 2015… My 40th Birthday! Eeek!

I will get my list up later, ironically I am doing stuff over the next few days is working towards my goals, and may not have enough time in the next few days to add the list. Timed with the school holidays, things are pretty busy at the moment!

But here is my first goal…

Grain of Sand#1 Start a blog! Done!